Hybrid working: definition, tips and benefits

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Since Covid, new ways of working have developed. The hybrid workincreasingly widespread in the professional world, is a working model combining periods of face-to-face and remote work. This approach offers employees greater flexibility by enabling them to work both in the office and from any location they choose. It also promotes a work-life balancea notion increasingly valued in the modern working world. world of work.



Thanks to hybrid working, employees can better manage their professional obligations while taking into account their personal commitments. This flexibility enables them to adapt more easily to family constraints, health needs or other aspects of their personal lives. Today, it is encouraging to note that 79% of large French companies offer flexible working arrangements, recognizing the importance of this balance.

Work-life balance in teleworking

In the shadow of confinement, workers had to face the challenge of working from home, leaving behind the warm moments of camaraderie around the coffee machine. Unfortunately, some were faced with a mental load juggling blurred blurred boundaries of their professional and personal lives.


Fortunately, companies have become aware of this reality and have adapted sympathetically. They have introduced more flexible practices to re-establish a balance balance. By paying particular attention to the right to disconnectthey set clear limits to safeguard their employees' well-being.


This trend reflects the importance attached to the health and happiness of workersa priority that cannot be ignored in our ever-changing world.


According to an IWG study, 67% of workers surveyed believe that hybrid working helps prevent burn-out.

Reinforcing inclusion with a good corporate culture

A strong corporate culture fosters employee integration and facilitates exchanges within teams. By organizing regular internal events and establishing rituals such as group sports sessions or collective meals, the sense of sense of belonging employees' sense of belonging is strengthened, reflecting a social climate.


To foster a culture of inclusion within the company, several measures are recommended. It is essential to ensure equitable access to training and advancement opportunities for all employees, without discrimination. Raising awareness of an inclusive vision is crucial to valuing diversity and different perspectives. Finally, it is important to carry out regular assessments to measure progress and identify areas for improvement. Parella expands on the subject of maintaining corporate culture in hybrid work.

Young Asian businesswoman using laptop talks plan colleague during meeting by video call hybrid work

Reinforcing inclusion with a good corporate culture

Well-being in the workplace is essential to employee productivity and motivation. To meet individual needs, companies implement preventive measures such asergonomic workspaces and the the provision of third-party facilities such as coworking spaces. These initiatives encourage informal encounters, social interaction and creativity. By providing ergonomic equipment and promoting good ergonomic practices, companies contribute to improving employee well-being and ensuring optimal working conditions in working conditions.

The positive points of hybrid work :

For the employee :

Flexibility boosts well-being: Thanks to hybrid working, employees benefit from greater autonomy, which contributes to their well-being by offering them the possibility of choosing their place of work and adapting their schedule according to their personal preferences and needs.


Improved work-life balance: No more juggling work and personal life. By working remotely for a few days a week, employees can better organize themselves, pick up their children from school, practice a sporting activity or take the time to cook at lunchtime, enabling a harmonious balance between their professional obligations and their personal life.


Save valuable time: Thanks to hybrid working, which reduces commuting and stress, it's easier to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Employees working remotely can end their working day earlier, leaving more time for their hobbies, families and passions.


Choosing the ideal work environment: Face-to-face working is not for everyone, nor is remote working. Hybrid working gives employees the opportunity to choose the environment that suits them best, promoting their well-being and personal fulfillment.


Cost savings: Fewer daily commuting costs, out-of-town lunch purchases or frequent coffee breaks: hybrid working enables employees to make significant savings by adjusting their daily consumption patterns.


Greater concentration, a serene atmosphere: Another advantage of hybrid working is the ability to work in a calm environment conducive to concentration. No more background noise and office distractions, everyone can find the ideal conditions to boost their productivity remotely, whether by listening to their favorite music or creating a personalized workspace at home.

For the company :

More satisfied employees: Thanks to flexible working hours, reduced commuting times and greater autonomy, employees enjoy new benefits that boost their level of satisfaction. A happy employee means better performance at work!


A stronger sense of loyalty: By being more autonomous, empowered and less stressed, employees also feel more loyal to their company, which in turn creates a lower turnover rate.


Strengthened team cohesion: Paradoxically, hybrid working can strengthen team cohesion by encouraging employees to maintain links and communicate openly and transparently, even remotely. In addition, tools such as Jooxter are available today to facilitate teamwork and virtual collaboration.


Reducing overheads: A company's operating costs account for a significant proportion of the budget. Hybrid working can reduce these costs by using smaller workspaces, resulting in lower overheads.


Easier recruitment & better brand image: Hybrid working broadens the pool of potential candidates, enabling us to recruit people who are geographically distant. Hybrid working also becomes an attractive argument for candidates during the recruitment process. The company's brand image is enhanced by the benefits it offers its employees.

Arab entrepreneur drinking coffee while creating marketing presentation hybrid work

A positive impact on the environment:

Reducing travel : 

By enabling employees to work remotely, hybrid working reduces the number of journeys between home and the face-to-face workplace, contributing directly to the reduction of air pollution and carbon footprints. According to a study byADEMEthis 69% reduction in daily business travel would cut carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by around 3,300 tonnes a day.


Energy savings:


  • Fewer infrastructure requirements: By implementing flexible working policies, companies can reduce the size of their office space, as a proportion of employees work remotely. This in turn reduces the need for heating, cooling and lighting, which in turn saves energy.
  • Optimizing energy consumption: Companies can implement energy-saving policies on their premises, using presence sensors to regulate lighting and air-conditioning according to actual occupancy of workspaces. When employees work remotely, these measures help minimize unnecessary energy consumption.
  • Use of energy-efficient technologies: Hybrid working encourages the use of remote communication technologies, such as video conferencing and online collaborative tools. These technologies are often more energy-efficient than physical meetings, as they avoid the travel and energy consumption associated with meeting rooms.
  • Optimized use of resources: Hybrid working makes better use of real estate resources by reducing the size of offices, optimizing available space and avoiding the construction of new buildings.

Ecocert's testimonial on hybrid working

The example of Ecocert provides a concrete illustration of the benefits obtained. The result is a saving of 100 tonnes of CO2 over the year, optimized use of space and improved collaboration both internally and between teams! 

The implementation of Flex Office has been adopted at sites in the region and in Paris, representing the participation of over 400 people. At Ecocert, everyone uses Jooxter to optimize space utilization, even employees who do not telework.

Why this choice? To reduce the surface area occupied and the number of workstations, despite the growth in the company's population. In 2022, the surface area was reduced by around 160 square metres, saving 100 tonnes of CO2 in terms of greenhouse gas emissions. This trend is set to continue in the years ahead.

There has been a 7% reduction in workstations, even though the workforce has grown by 9% in 2022 alone. Thanks to occupancy statistics and the Flex Office, Ecocert is confident that it will not need to open any new offices for the next two years. 


You can also watch their video testimonials by clicking on the following link: interview Écocert


In conclusion, hybrid working represents a new approach to the professional world, combining flexibility and work-life balance. The benefits for employees are manifold, ranging from the ability to work from any location, to better management of personal obligations, to time and cost savings. 


What's more, companies also benefit from this model by building employee loyalty, reducing operating costs and helping to preserve the environment. Hybrid working is therefore a promising solution, adapted to the changing needs of the working world, offering productivity, well-being and flexibility.

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