Our case studies
This solution enables us to better understand how our offices are used. There are two main performance indicators: employee satisfaction [...] now over 90%, and office flexibility.
Olga PIMKINA - Real Estate Manager
We very quickly saw a return on our investment, as we were able to avoid creating new spaces, as the existing ones were under-occupied.
Alain DEMONT - Projects and Development Manager
The telephone solution worked immediately with our employees. [...] We have a lot of exchanges with Jooxter, and we're constantly adjusting the solution according to what our employees tell us.
Sandrine FERY- Operations Manager
Thanks to the occupancy data collected with Jooxter, for this year we have managed to reduce our surface area by around 160m², which represents a saving in terms of greenhouse gas emissions of 100 tonnes of CO2 for this year, and this will continue for the next few years.
Matthieu HAUVUY - Real Estate Manager
We've gained in efficiency, simplicity and autonomy, as well as optimizing our internal resources. Our teams don't want to go back to the old tools.
Mickaël VIVIEN - Organization and IT Manager
When we were looking for a new office, we had to find a new solution for reserving our workspaces, our office attendance.
Marco BRUCATO - E-commerce Lead Italy
We're currently working on optimizing our spaces. Knowing which spaces are occupied. The Jooxter solution gives us visibility on how much space is occupied, and how we can further optimize it.
Stéphane BOULLAY - Transformation Director
The COVID-19 period has led us to rethink our logistics and to rethink the future of retirement insurance. We have accelerated the implementation of projects enabling all of us to become more autonomous. This autonomy must be accompanied by solutions, of which Jooxter is one.
Véronique PUCHE - Information Systems Manager
Since the introduction of Jooxter, all employees can easily find a place and reserve an office at their host site. Several of our sites have requested the same facility.
Alain MAKULENZKY - Research and Innovation
The great thing about Jooxter is that it gives you a complete view of who's coming into the office tomorrow. This means you can plan your week and your trips to the office in advance, knowing that the people you want to meet will be there. Ultimately, Jooxter delivers on its promise. Going to the office remains easy, without rigid rules or structures.
François AUPIC - Partner in charge of HR
We were looking for a workplace management tool. A solution that we could deploy in all our offices. And Jooxter gave us that opportunity. The tool was quite intuitive and easy to use.
Fréderic TALARICO - Facility Manager
The Village's job is to act as a sounding board, to make these start-ups known and to act as a prescriber for them. So when Jooxter arrived at the Village, it was only natural for us to install the solution within the Village. To show that the Village was more successful with Jooxter than without it.
Fabrice MARSELLA - Director of village by CA Paris
We were very pleased with the ease of deployment and the way the solution worked, and would recommend it to our colleagues at other company sites.
Philippe PICHON - Campus Manager
My employees gain in autonomy with a real-time view of available space.
Étienne PESNELLE - Director, Global Digital Transformation
Thanks to Jooxter, we can now offer our employees greater mobility.
Solen DUPIN - Quality Organization and Change Coordination Department
Jooxter is an easy-to-use, scalable solution, available on web and mobile. Jooxter helps us optimize the use of our rooms and gives us reliable visibility of space usage across our Paris tower.
Arnaud LACOTTE - General Services Manager
Jooxter is both appreciated and useful, providing employees with new spaces in which to collaborate or isolate themselves, and boosting the occupancy rate of meeting rooms, which are less used.
Pierre DEBRAUWERE - Terradeo Campus Manager
Our partners
Legrand has developed a wide range of sensors [...], all of which are used by Jooxter to provide dashboards enabling companies to better understand how employees live in their office spaces.
Emmanuel Ballandras - Director of Partnerships and External Relations
Schedule a personalized demo
Contact us today to arrange a free demonstration of our solution and find out how Jooxter can meet your specific needs.