RSM uses Jooxter in Paris to introduce flexible working and plan a safe return to the office
RSM is the specialist audit, tax and accounting company with offices worldwide.
It employs more than 48,000 people who work mainly in offices located in major major urban centers such as Paris and Manchester.

RSM developed well and recorded strong growth despite the pandemic
During the health crisis, people worked from home, but with the lifting of restrictions worldwide. Aelping people get back to work has become a priority.. RSM's management team recognized the importance of retaining its properties, as customers and team members are attached to them. Coming to work is an important habit for them.
In Paris, where there are usually 550 people in an office. A survey revealed that employees work in different ways, sometimes linked to the way they did their job. For example, many want flexible working, with the possibility of increasing teleworking, and an office to go to when it suits them. People wanted to know that they had a choice and that they could work in the place that suited them best, "the right place at the right time".
François AUPIC, partner in charge of HR at RSMexplains how the company initially reacted to the restrictions: "Containment was a revelation. Our working model changed completely, and we discovered new ways of working that we hadn't tried before. People were productive and supported by an efficient IT set-up."
At RSM, productivity is based on communication and meeting colleagues
You always need a virtual coffee with people to share ideas and solve problems. Remote management, remote integration and remote training were all facilitated in this way, and the CEO kept in touch with everyone on Fridays to maintain the team spirit.
However, there's no substitute for face-to-face meetings. So, while RSM found that flexible working worked for its business, employees missed face-to-face interaction.

"Flexible working really worked for us, but we knew we needed to give people the opportunity to meet in an office if they wanted to."
"Like many companies, after the first lock-in, we wanted to give those who wanted to the opportunity to go into the office. But by making sure we create a safe place that respected the rules of social distancing in France.
"That's when we started discussing our needs with Jooxter. Not only could the team help us find the right workplace organization to manage social distancing measures. But it could also help us introduce technology to easily plan a trip to the office, reserve meeting space and manage the number of people in the office at any one time."
François adds: "The great thing about Jooxter is that it gives you a complete view of who's coming into the office tomorrow. This means you can plan your week and your trips to the office in advance, knowing that the people you want to meet will be there. Ultimately, Jooxter delivers on its promise. Going to the office remains easy, without rigid rules or structures."
For RSM Jooxter provides :
- Reserving workspace spaces
- A way of marking space as "available" or "unavailable " in order to respect social distancing.
- Telecommuting management: people could plan their day according to who else was in the office.
- A flexible solution: a website and mobile app with a QR code, which would allow people to check in, check out and direct them to open spaces.
Jooxter takes part in the next phase of workplace management at RSM
This will include the implementation of business intelligence tools toprovide the management teamwith analytical data on how and when space is being used.
This will help RSM determine the small, large and wide meeting spaces it needs, and manage peak periods more efficiently and safely. This will be combined with a review of the current model with employees so that they can give feedback on what works. What doesn't work and what's missing in the new flexible working model.