Testimonial Crédit Agricole Normandie-Seine

Crédit Agricole Normandie-Seine has been using Jooxter since 2019, with deployment in 200 branches giving more than 2,000 group users the opportunity to use Jooxter on a daily basis. Michael Vivien, Head of Organization and IT at the Crédit Agricole Normandie-Seine Regional Bank, agreed to talk about their feedback on using the Jooxter application, particularly in the context of flex office.

Crédit Agricole company customer case Normandie-Seine
Using Jooxter for the first time

Interview Micheal Vivien

Hello. My name is Michael VivienI'm the in charge of organization and IT at the Normandie-Seine Regional Bank. As such, I'm also responsible for everything to do with digital tools and therefore the deployment of the Jooxter solution in the context of the flex-office

Photo Mickaël Vivien customer case CA Normandie-Seine
Logo CA Normandie-Seine customer case Normandie-Seine

Why did Crédit Agricole Normandie-Seine call on Jooxter in the first place?

We began to take an interest in the Jooxter solution a few years ago, as we were in a context where the organization of employees' work was evolving, particularly with regard to customer relations. Employees needed to bemore mobile, they were working on the move, and so we became interested in the Jooxter solution as a way of practicing flex office.

Indeed, we had already implemented several solutions in the regional mutual. We weren't completely satisfied with them. What's more, some solutions were obsolete. They were too complicated to reserve resources. This meant a lot of wasted time for our staff, so we wanted a centralized, easy-to-use solution.

And there's another aspect too, which is that we at Normandie-Seine are the referral body for the digital enterprise user center. This means that we are in charge of all the studies, particularly concerning community digital tools for all the regional caisses. As such, we also had an important role to play for the entire caisse community.

How did Jooxter help Crédit Agricole Normandie-Seine improve its working conditions?

Since we implemented the Jooxter solution, it has made work much easier for our employeesIt has also made work organization much easier, since all our employees are now fully autonomous when it comes to reserving resources.


So clearly, we've gained in efficiency. We've also greatly simplified the process. What's more, the most important thing was tooptimize the resources involved, since this is a real cost for the company. Thanks to the Jooxter solution, we can monitor the use of the resources made available to the company. As a result, we have optimized the use of rooms that were originally intended solely for training purposes. They can now be used for meetings, collaborative workshops or other purposes.


In short, considerable time savings and simplicity for your teams' day-to-day work.

Photo case study CA Normandie-Seine

How has the project been received by employees?

In fact, when we first implemented Jooxter, our employees perceived it as a new tool. So it was a real challenge to ensure that the solution was well received by the teams. The solution had to bring added value to the employees' jobs, while making them simpler to use. The application had to be easy to use for staff, so that it could be used correctly. And I'd say the challenge was met with this tool.


Today, it's a solution that has been fully integrated into their daily routine. I don't think the teams would want to go back and use the old solutions again. So, for us, it's a great success!

What are Jooxter's main uses within groups and how is the solution used?

So we use the Jooxter solution mainly for booking meeting rooms. We're used to booking on the fly. Some require the agreement of the executive assistants.


We also use the Jooxter solution to reserve what we'll call audio bridges or videoconferencing bridges. Reserving resources enables a certain degree of mobility, such as the electric cars, for example, which are available to employees. We also use Jooxter for all the functions intrinsic to the application, such as room and office geolocation.


At Crédit Agricole, we have almost 140 sales outlets throughout France. So reserving offices to welcome customers makes life easier for us. We also use the application via the QR codes that are present in the various spaces in order to book immediately. Once again, this adds convenience to the process.


Finally, interfacing with the Jooxter solution helps to simplify employees' day-to-day work. With Jooxter's synchronization with our Outlook mailbox, we can book meeting rooms directly from our e-mail inbox. And that amplifies the use we make of this solution.

Photo case study CA Normandie Seine

How have flex-office practices evolved in the wake of the COVID 19 crisis?

First of all, in the context of the COVID19 crisis, we were able to test the Jooxter solution. The platform was a real facilitator in getting us through this crisis. At the same time, the COVID crisis had the effect of accelerating our global transformation. I'm thinking in particular of theacceleration of digital transformation, which has amplified the use of existing tools. More specifically, uses linked to mobility, nomadism and communication between employees.



There's also one case that has proved crucial to COVID: the sustainability of telecommuting. In our working environment, we call this phenomenon displaced working. We make it possible for an employee to work in the Crédit Agricole environment at a location other than his or her usual place of work.


So, more concretely, employees can book a range of work positions spread across the whole of France. Whether in our branches, sales outlets or our two administrative sites based in Bois-Guillaume and Évreux, they are flexible.

What other advantages does Jooxter offer?

I'd say the main advantages of Jooxter are flexibility and time savings. Indeed, employees can work in spaces that are close to their homes. This is a real benefit for the company, as it means less time is wasted on transport.


I'm also thinking of the energy transition aspects. The solution limits the carbon footprint, among many other advantages that we have been able to retain.

What's also remarkable is that the solution is scalable. To illustrate this, over the next few months we'll be testing a new feature that enables employees to free up their desks when they're away. In this way, employees will be able to use unoccupied offices at the regional branch.


We're also thinking about different ways of organizing work, such as flex-office. This means that offices are no longer allocated to specific employees. They will be able to reserve positions wherever they need them: at head office and branch level.

Photo case study CA Normandie-Seine

The last word

Jooxter is a useful solution loved by our teams. Jooxter is also a company that knows how to listen to listen to our needs. The Jooxter team was able to adapt and implement a solution that was in harmony with our perspectives. We'd like to thank you, we're completely satisfied with this collaboration.

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