Flexible working policies: Best practices for HR

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The world of work is changing fast, and flexible working policies are gaining in popularity. Employees are increasingly looking for work environments that offer them greater flexibility in balancing their professional and personal lives. Human resources play an essential role in adapting flexible working policies to the individual needs of each employee.

In this article, we'll explore the best practices HR can put in place to foster this adaptation and create a fulfilling working environment for all.

Hybrid working has turned recruitment methods on their head, requiring human resources (HR) professionals to adapt. Here are some best practices for HR to meet these challenges:


  • Redefine selection criteria to take account of skills specific to hybrid work.


  • Use technological tools to facilitate remote recruitment.


  • Promote transparency by clearly communicating the expectations of hybrid working.


  • Assess the skills needed to work remotely during interviews.


By following these recommendations, HR can effectively recruit in the context of hybrid work. They can also attract the best talent adapted to this new professional reality.

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Understanding individual needs

Every employee has different needs when it comes to flexibility at work. HR needs to conduct individual interviews to understand each employee's preferences and constraints. This may include discussions about work schedules, the possibility of telecommuting, adjustments related to family responsibilities, etc. This in-depth understanding will enable HR to tailor flexible working policies to meet the specific needs of each employee, offering them flexibility and professional autonomy.

Finding the right balance for your structure

Flexible working policies are not limited to a single model. HR needs to offer a range of options that allow employees to choose what works best for them. This can include flexible working hours, remote or home working, reduced working hours, compressed schedules, etc. Offering this diversity of options gives employees the power to find theideal balance between their professional and personal lives.


One inspiring example is Microsoft, which offers its employees a variety of flexible working options. They can choose from flexible working hours, work remotely, opt for part-time employment or even take advantage of compressed schedules. This approach enables employees to find the right balance between their professional and personal lives, thanks to a variety of work options. The flexibility offered by Microsoft contributes to the satisfaction and well-being of employees, fostering their productivity and commitment.

Transparent communication

Transparent communication is essential for flexible working policies to work effectively. HR must clearly inform employees of the policies in place, the options available and the procedures to be followed. It's also important to provide open communication channels for employees to ask questions, raise concerns and share suggestions. Transparent communication builds trust and encourages greater adherence to flexible working policies. policies.


The study Slack Future of Work showed that 80% of employees want to know more about how their employers make decisions. While 55% of managers surveyed consider their companies to be very transparent, only 18% of their employees feel the same way..

A concrete example of a company putting this transparent communication into practice is Salesforce, a company specializing in software and cloud services. Salesforce clearly informs its employees of the flexible working policies in place, the different options available and the procedures to be followed.


In addition, they offer open communication channels such as online forums and question-and-answer sessions, enabling employees to ask questions, share concerns and make suggestions regarding flexible working policies. This approach fosters open dialogue and contributes to better implementation of flexible working policies within the company.

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Raising awareness and training teams

HR must provide adequate training and awareness-raising at all levels of the organization on the benefits and best practices of flexible working policies. It is important to raise managers' awareness of the importance of flexibility and provide them with the skills they need to effectively manage flexible teams. Employees must also be informed of the resources available to support them in adapting to flexible working policies.



Adobe is a concrete example of this proactive approach. Specializing in the development of creative software, Adobe recognizes the importance of taking into account its employees' needs in terms of flexible working, and regularly evaluates its policies in this area. The company regularly gathers feedback from its employees through surveys and individual interviews to assess the effectiveness of its existing policies. 


Based on these assessments, Adobe makes ongoing adjustments and improvements to ensure that their flexible working policies meet the changing needs of employees and the organization. This proactive approach enables Adobe to maintain an optimal flexible working experience for its employees, promoting satisfaction and productivity within the company.


Tailoring flexible working policies to the needs of each individual employee is essential to fostering a fulfilling and productive working environment. HR plays a crucial role in this adaptation by understanding individual needs, offering a variety of options (flexible workplaces, working time arrangements...), communicating transparently, providing adequate training and awareness, and regularly evaluating the effectiveness of policies in place. By implementing these best practices, HR can contribute to creating a corporate culture focused on work-life balance, thereby improving employee satisfaction and productivity.