When technology and eco-responsibility meet to boost corporate cohesion

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As working patterns have evolved, more and more companies are adopting hybrid working methods, combining remote and on-site working. The Gartner Gartner report of January 2023 cites that over 80% of organizations have adapted a hybrid work mode.

In this context, facilities managers play a crucial role in ensuring the efficient operation of facilities, reinforcing corporate culture and reducing the ecological footprint. Technology offers powerful tools to support these objectives.


In this article, we'll explore how facilities managers can use technology to enhance collaboration, improving face-to-face and offering positive employee experienceswhile reducing carbon emissionsemissions optimizing energy management, sustainable mobility andgreen office design.

Facilitating virtual collaboration in sustainable workspaces:

In a sustainable hybrid work environmentcollaboration between team members can be a challenge. Facilities managers can use technology, such as Jooxter, to facilitate virtual collaboration while reducing the ecological footprint. For example, videoconferencing and online communication platforms enable employees to meet virtually, exchange ideas and work together, regardless of their geographical location, thus reducing the need to travel.


This also means making available dedicated videoconferencing areas that employees can use to isolate themselves without disturbing their colleagues. These spaces, known as Bubbles or booths, are made available to employees on a self-service basis. Here again, technologies such as Jooxter can be used to quickly identify which ones are available from a smartphone or computer.

Handsome modern working man

Improving internal communication for effective energy management :

Transparent and effective communication is essential for strengthening corporate culture. Facilities managers can use technology, such as Jooxter, to improve internal communication and optimize energy management. Corporate intranets can serve as a central portal for disseminating important announcements, news and updates on sustainability initiatives.


Facilities managers can also organize regular virtual meetings to keep employees informed and encourage active participation in energy management.

Providing positive employee experiences while promoting recycling and responsible consumption:

In a sustainable hybrid work environment, it's important to provide positive experiences for employees, whether they work on-site or remotely, while promoting waste recycling and responsible consumption. Facilities managers can use technology to create user-friendly, ergonomic workspaceswith an emphasis on sustainability. For example, Jooxter can be used as an online office and meeting room reservation tool.


Mobile applications can provide practical information on responsible consumption practices, such as the rational use of resources and the impact on reducing energy consumption. The use of second-hand furniture and the recycling of existing furniture is a real trend, with companies such as Bluedigo.


In addition, facilities managers can set up awareness-raising and e-learning initiatives to encourage employees to adopt environmentally-friendly behaviorssuch as using reusable utensils, carpooling or using sustainable modes of transport to get to work.

Man stretching his arms while working at home

Promoting sustainable mobility and environmentally-friendly office design:

In a sustainable hybrid work environment, sustainable sustainable mobility plays an essential role in ecological footprint. Facilities managers can use technology to promote sustainable mobility practices. At the same time, technology can be used to promote environmentally-friendly office design.


Intelligent sensors, integrated into Jooxter, can be used to regulate lighting and temperature according to space occupancyfor efficient energy management. Energy management solutions based on the Internet of Things (IoT) can also be deployed to monitor and optimize the energy consumption of equipment and appliances in workspaces.

In an eco-responsible working environment, facilities managers have a responsibility to reinforce corporate culture while reducing the ecological footprint. Technology offers many possibilities to support these objectives.


At fostering virtual collaborationimproving internal communication and adopting adopting sustainable practices, facilities managers can create a more responsible and sustainable hybrid work environment with the help of Jooxter.


An application to anticipate the reduction of emissions from your buildings

By using Jooxter as an online office and meeting room booking tool, facilities managers can optimize the use of workspaces, reducing the energy consumption and carbon footprint associated with office fit-out. Jooxter can also be used to implement remote working policies, enabling employees to reduce their travel and limit their environmental impact.


Jooxter can play a key role key energy management in a sustainable hybrid hybrid work environment. Jooxter's built-in intelligent sensors can monitor space occupancy and give you the ability to automatically adjust lighting, heating and cooling according to actual needs. This enables more efficient energy management, reducing unnecessary energy consumption and helping to cut carbon emissions.